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Showing posts from September 11, 2016
Today was a wonderful morning, so great that I forgot to weigh puff before feeding her as she was so insistant on getting her food! Then she ate the entire syringe full, 25 ml of formula! How amazing is that, she was gobbling it up faster then I could get it to get. Then I had to stop her twice from chewing on the cupboards, an old favorite of hers. So she's finally rounding the corner or over the hump, however you want to say it. I'm including a pic I took today and the one I took before I started the treatment to show the difference this is making. And it's only been a month 😁
We're down a little in weight to 295, but her personality is truly shining through finally so I'm not as worried. She's showing a good amount of interest in food in the last couple days and that's a big change, her asking for food and wanting me to share what I have again is a huge improvement. I'm hoping it will show in her weight in the next few days. I've been working quite a bit this week so I'm sure that isn't helping, however I do come home on my lunch hour and syringe feed her as well as Calypso. She has been taking a good 15 ml the last two days so I'm happy with that as well. Next week I have four days off in a row so I think it will help and I truly hope we make an up swing in her weight. She is also getting more and more new feathers in and it is just truly amazing to see them stay fully intact. I'm so excited to see her in the next couple of months and finally be a fully feathered and happy girl. I'm so happy to have been introduc...
OK, she weighed in at a big 'ol 299 today!  She's getting more of her personality back as well. Telling me no more often, which is always OK, and I'm glad to see her doing again. However I've noticed her desire to be close to me much more, choosing to sleep on me and when I try to put her into her cage at night after our cuddles, she really tries to cling to me. She's finally showing more interest in foods as well, so hopefully this keeps going.
Well, this morning her weight was back down again 😞 293 grams. Last night however, she showed more interest in food since this all began. I was making foraging balls for the gang with unshelled almonds on the inside and she decided they looked so good she tipped the container and dove in head first! I was so excited to see this much interest and I'm truly hoping we have turned a corner, the next few days will tell the truth. I even made her a treat basket and put it in her cage last night and sure enough she dug in this morning. We did formula for breakfast and she ate more then normal, a good 15 ml or so and will be doing eggs for lunch, which is her favorite. Then I'll do another feeding later and leave her with lots of goodies while I'm working, I'll be coming home on my break to medicate and do the formula.