We're down a little in weight to 295, but her personality is truly shining through finally so I'm not as worried. She's showing a good amount of interest in food in the last couple days and that's a big change, her asking for food and wanting me to share what I have again is a huge improvement. I'm hoping it will show in her weight in the next few days. I've been working quite a bit this week so I'm sure that isn't helping, however I do come home on my lunch hour and syringe feed her as well as Calypso. She has been taking a good 15 ml the last two days so I'm happy with that as well. Next week I have four days off in a row so I think it will help and I truly hope we make an up swing in her weight. She is also getting more and more new feathers in and it is just truly amazing to see them stay fully intact. I'm so excited to see her in the next couple of months and finally be a fully feathered and happy girl. I'm so happy to have been introduced to this and even though it has been a very scary few weeks, sticking with it is truly paying off and seeing her finally balance out and bounce back to her regular self is making it all worth it. Thankfully I have had great help and guidance through all if this and was briefed on how it would go before hand. This is why I'm doing this, so others know what you may go through. It is so important to not just give up at the first bump, it does take time to adjust the dosage to fit your bird and to let your bird get use to the side effects and level out to see how it will truly be on the medication. I'm still in the trial phase and working things out for her, so you see it's been weeks and I'm seeing results already and having issues, but working through them and seeing that they are things that absolutely can be worked through. So this is truly a medication you have to give a good commitment to, like 2-3 months of a commitment without giving up, making adjustments and accommodations for your bird during this time is something you have to truly expect and think about when deciding to do this. It's why I took so long to think about doing this before I made my decision. It's best to have someone who has been through this that you can talk to, because my vet as wonderful as she may be I am her first patient on this so she had no experience with it. I'm working very closely with Don from The Chloe Sanctuary who has all the cockatoos he has taken in on this medication. So he has much experience with going through it, plus has learned everything from Dr. Jenkins which is the vet who came up with the protocol. So I feel lucky, and in great hands to be able to ask him questions and defer to him about how to deal with issues.
I also know this is something I will be keeping Puff on for the rest of her life, as this has been a lifelong issue for her. There are some circumstances where it doesn't become a forever thing, or only seasonal. There is just so many things which is why it is so important to discuss all of this with a good avian vet.
Well I've decided to with the 2/1 mixture and see how it goes. So starting her on 05 ml of that mixture. She's eating the formula fairly well, tonight she may have overage a bit and she just threwvup a bit, it wasn't regurgitation, so I'm hoping it was just from overeating and is just a one time thing. Her weight is still hanging just under the 300 mark, so trying to get creative but it seems the only thing she's interested in eating is the formula. On a separate and personal note, I found out yesterday I have a kidney infection which explains my total lack of energy. And partially why I haven't posted for a couple of days. Puff is once again getting some new feathers in and so far they are staying full. So will just have to watch and see. I now understand why I was asked to commit to three months before giving up. Also, I can now understand why so many do give up on this treatment. It is taking quite a toll on Puff and myself and we have hit a few bumps alrea...
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