OK, well no weight loss or gain, either way that is quite the improvement. She is being a bit more lively and fiesty today as well. I asked her to step up and she gave me one foot and not the other, and chose to bite my finger. Not hard but enough to let me know she had an opinion about me moving too fast for likeness. It may not seem like much but to me it is huge, she is alert enough to not just comply with whatever and let me know she was unhappy about something. This is not something I have seen since starting this process and until it happened I didn't even realize it was missing. So making this little change seems to have made a big difference. Now let's get that weight back up! She did take a few bites of her favorite fruit today, banana, well second favorite, grapes are #1 but mainly for the juice so the banana actually gives her more. I'm feeling a bit more optimistic now that I've seen some natural behaviors come back. I know this is not something that is ea...