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Showing posts from August 21, 2016
We'll her weight is down a bit more, 213 grams. So I'm making her favorites today in order to encourage eating and dropped her dose by .01 ml hoping to keep the feathers in tact but not have her have these side effects. Like the sleepiness and not eating, she already has shown improvement as she is not choosing to nap at all today, however she is only nibbling on a few food items and not showing much interest. I will continue to keep close tabs on her weight and keep encouraging to foods.
Today is the third day on the protocol and again no signs during the first half hour after administering the mediation, however around 11 am she once again became sleepy but not to any extreme. She would rouse for sounds and there is no slowed movements. She is now sitting on the playtop of the cage grinding her beak and relaxing. I'm also noticing a small decrease in appetite and her morning weight was down by 4 grams, to 320 grams. I will continue to closely monitor this. The biggest and most important fact to notice though is she has not chewed the few in tact feathers on her chest since this has started!  Had I not started this protocol those feathered would have been chewed by now and look like the rest of the feathers on her chest. These feathers are a huge step and something for me to mark her progress. I will also note any new feathers as they come in.
Today Puff started to show some signs of being a bit tired. She chose to take a nap on my chest at 4 pm for about a half hour. She would pop up when she heard noises to look around and then settle back in again. Then she flew off and did her normal things again. After her dose this evening she seems just a bit tired for about 15 minutes, never closed her eyes or any slow movements though. Now she's eating dinner.
Second dose at 8:30 a.m. and again no symptoms or side affects. We are starting out with a .03 ml solution and will increase by .01 ml every two days until I get to the right dose for her. DISCLAIMER: I am not a veterinarian and cannot recommend, approve or prescribe veterinary drugs or protocols. This information is provided for education purposes only. There are risks with any medical remedy. After getting treatment we had some morning cuddles and then she ate breakfast which today was veggie chop cooked into scrambled eggs.
Today is Wednesday August 24th and Puff had her yearly check up and we also did a full blood panel to have a starting point for everything. Tomorrow I will get the results of all these tests. So at 5 pm I gave her the first dose of halidol, I then watched her for the next half hour and there was no effect at all. I will continue this dose for the next two days and see how it goes, I will slowly increase every two days until I get to what is the desired effect. I am following the protocol set up by Dr. Jeffrey Jenkins DVM, with some assistance from a wonderfully nice and educated friend, Don Scott of The Chloe Sanctuary for Parrots and Cockatoos.  This is a picture taken of her on Saturday, to show her current FDB which includes the legs, chest and neck. she chews her feathers, she does not pluck. She also does not chew her skin.