Hello all, I'm including some pics I took today of Puff as she is getting some new feathers in and looking great, imo! She's doing so well now I'm just so happy for her, she is choosing to interact in small ways with some of the other birds, which for her is a big deal as she has in the past preferred to not interact with other birds at all. One thing I have changed is that she sleeps in the bird room all by herself and comes out only when she wants to, I have found this to be a big help to relax her and lower her overall stress. In the past she has spent a great deal of time hiding out in my kitchen cupboards, so in an attempt to stop this, and stop this other issue I was having that she was hating going into her cage at night and freaking out, I tried allowing her to be in the bird room and not be caged. This actually accomplished quite a lot of issues I had been having with her and most importantly it reduced her stress level in a big way. Now in the mornings I open th...