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So it happened, she chewed a little bit again. I've increased her back up to about .025 ml or what my best guess as to what that is, I'm not seeing any signs of her getting tired or not wanting foods so I will continue on with this. I knew I was in a scary area with that dosage and was trying to be very careful but it happened, however it isn't bad. I will get some pictures for reference on my tablet and get them uploaded to the page on a later date as at this moment i am charging it up since I have not used it in a long time. It is my only decent source for taking pics at this time as I'm still without my cell phone. She is still doing well though, gobbling up her formula and eating a few almonds and cashews, as though are her favorites, here and there. Once in a while she will join me in what I am eating only for a bite or two though, but that is fine at least she is showing interest. 
She is still doing the extreme clingy thing though when it comes to being put to bed, I'm really not sure where that is coming from. At first I thought it was because she was insecure about perching because she was having some balance issues in the beginning, but now she almost flat out refuses to go into her cage at night. when I have to leave during the day, she is fine going in there though, but at night she grips my fingers and will not step off of them to go onto her favorite sleeping swing that she has used since the day she came to my home (in 2011) and it came with her as the cage did as well. So I am currently having her sleep in a travel cage, so she doesn't have to worry about any height issues, in my bedroom so if there is any problems I can hear her and try to figure out any issue she is having. However, there seem to be none, and when I go to put her in this cage she is much less likely to fight me as well. There still is a bit of struggle but it is just the whole struggle of "no mommy, I want to stay with you and sit on you and keep getting those awesome head scratches and fall asleep on you" so I still am taking that as she is still feeling unsafe and/or insecure in some way, as she normally goes to bed freely and at times will even put herself to bed, this being before all this treatment started. So my radar is still up and I am watchful as usual as to what is going on during the day and trying to figure out what is the issue during the night. unfortunately I can not afford a surrvalence camera, oh how I have been in need of one for quite some time, however, that is just not something that anywhere near the top or even middle of my need list. So I am doing the best that I can with what I have. I am a very light sleeper so I know she is not frighting during the night, or banging herself in anyway. So I will just have to keep sleuthing it out. wish me luck ;)
As always, we keep pushing forward with the medication and hope to see her fully feathered one day soon. I know it is for the best in the long run that I am doing this, and I know she is not chewing on a daily basis anymore, and it is no longer in jepordy of getting any worse then it was so she will never have to worry about getting to the point of chewing her skin, getting infections and possibly dying from this. that in itself is what keeps me going, knowing I am keeping her alive to live her full life the way she should, with me, happy, healthy, fully flighted, and a pain in my butt every darn day! I wouldn't have it any other way. I want her around for a very long time and even though we are having some rough patches now, I can still see the improvements that are already there. no more bald spots, no more red areas, no more feather pieces all over the bottom of the cage every single morning. It's been hard, and now I understand why so many tend to give up, but this is not something that just works it's magic overnight, every bird is different. Puff has been very sensitive to it and needed a lot of dosage correction, and even my vet wouldn't have known how to do this, I was very lucky, I had a very knowledgeable friend to help me through all of that dosage stuff, otherwise I don't know that i would have been able to do this. I'm very lucky, and blessed to have that help, Puff and I thank him constantly!
Then there was Mylo, I decided to start him on this treatment as well, he took right to it with no issue what so ever! no dosage correction needed, no side effects at all and he went from chewing his wing feathers and pulling out all his back feathers, to a full feathered back and not chewing at all anymore. he is doing wonderful on it. So it is truly a study of one when it comes to using this medication, every single bird is and will react differently, no two will be the same, and that includes what they will need for their dosage, even if they weigh the exact same. this is a very fickle drug, imo. I truly had to take a very long time to wrap my head around giving this to my birds, but just go check out The Chloe Sanctuary they have a facebook page, he does video blogs all the time all about his birds, and most if not all of them are on this medication. trust me after watching them you will realize just how amazing it is. they do not seem drugged out in any way, they are fully functioning part of a flock and an incredible flock at that. I'm so happy I've made this decision, I can tell my birds are happier as well, less stressed, and enjoying life more. that is what truly matter the most. The added bonus is that they are getting their feathers back. I've never seen Puff fully feathered, when I got her they told me that her chewing was a lifelong habit. I got her, she was a rehome, when she was ten years old. So we will see what wonders 2017 will bring us...

Thank you for taking the time to read my posts and I hope they help you or anyone out there who has a bird that chews, plucks, or mutilates. 
I'm always open to talk to someone about this as well, so feel free to message me if you want. just know I am not a vet and can not diagnose or prescribe anything. just offer my opinion and life experience


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