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Good news, the reduction I made actually worked! She's sitting in the window and her favorite friend came to visit with his son and we were outside so we went to the window and she was super animated and talking and making noises and wanted so bad for me to bring her outside with all of us. Which I can't as it's just at freezing here in Minnesnowta right now, so way to chilly for birdies to go out. She hasn't mapped today and is just enjoying herself. She is just so incredibly sensitive to this medication, she is now at the absolute lowest dose I can go with her though, 02 ml, which is 1/2 ml lower then I had been giving her. So I have to be very exact and clear with her dose now which is just very scary for me because if I'm off at all she could easily chew her feathers again. So I'm just being very careful and fingers crossed.
Here's some cute pics of her enjoying her window seat 😉


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