Yesterday she weighed in at 305 and today it's 308, I'm ready to say we are on the up swing and she has finally stabilized out at the .05 ml of the 2:1 mixture of distilled water to medication. So now we wait to watch the feather growth and how that goes. She's still being fed the formula and I will continue until she reaches at least 320 grams, then slowly taper her off and add other foods, as I can see her eat other things. As of now she isn't showing interest in other foods, she does eat a few of her favorite cashews but nothing else.
So I've been giving Puff the 1/1 mixture at 05 ml for a week now. She has some new feathers, so all I can do is watch and see. Her personality is in full bloom, she's still the picky eater I know her to be. With me giving her hand feeding formula twice a day, fresh foods and her daily nuts and pellets her weight is staying steady at about 315 grams.
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